New trinkets have arrived
Bring plenty of coin from the Seven Corners. The Bazaar of Mortal Arrow offers the rarest gift … cast pewter miniatures created by world-famed artisans.
What lurks in the blackest corners?
Some of the recent souls to have passed through the Hall of Mirrors …

The Universe & The Academy

1,307th Synod of Sages – A Nixie Call for Help
A study of the biology and physiognomy of the Troll; a description of a raid, talk of cosmology and the Powers of the Outer Planes; and a talk of the Nix shipping disruptions, and need for assistance

The Unbelievable Travels of Lin’Chi – Bo’Pha Islands
In which the author escapes Hell; encounters the fearsome Trolls for which the southerly isles of Veldon are known; and escapes the same, finding perhaps more trouble in so doing

1,304th Synod of Sages – Crisis at Mado’Pai
Minutes of the 1,304th Synod of Sages in Wai’Toshi, Master Prime Baldeen presiding [Baldeen] Welcome all to the one thousand, three hundred-and-fourth meeting of the Synod of Sages in Wai’Toshi. We are most pleased that so many could attend. I would like to make...