New trinkets have arrived
Bring plenty of coin from the Seven Corners. The Bazaar of Mortal Arrow offers the rarest gift … cast pewter miniatures created by world-famed artisans.
What lurks in the blackest corners?
Some of the recent souls to have passed through the Hall of Mirrors …

The Universe & The Academy

The Unbelievable Travels of Lin’Chi – Welcome
Tashi’dai’lai or ”Welcome”. My name is Lin’Chi. I am a Master of Astronomancy and Geometry at the Academy of Wai’Toshi; my credited Colleges are the Gate College and the Order of Librarians. Much to my chagrin, I am also widely known as the inventor of the famous...

A Brief History – Wai’Toshi
A birds eye view of the iconic city of Wai’Toshi by Lin’Chi